Final Outcome and Reflection
While creating my narrative film, I had a lot of fun collecting footage and images on Dartmoor. This is one of my favourite local places to visit, and I frequently take photographs while I am there, meaning I had a backlog of photographs and imagery I could use for this project.I was inspired to engage in numerous discussions about the stories of the moors and relished incorporating my own artistic flair into these narratives.
I have never used Premiere Pro before, but I have enjoyed learning how to navigate the workspaces and use the different tools and effects. I believe that the skills I've gained from using this program will be very beneficial in the future. I am excited to continue learning and to develop my stop-motion animation projects using this software.
I thoroughly enjoyed the photography aspect of this project and gained valuable experience in using my camera and enhancing my images with editing software to create a fantasy element. I also learned new techniques for light painting and I am looking forward to using them more in the future, despite the skill it will take to perfect my images.
I faced some challenges, mostly in the fact that my footage was extremely large, because I forgot to reduce the quality settings on my phone's camera when filming. I realise now I need to compress these files or shoot in a lower quality image before inserting them into Premier Pro. This made rendering the video very difficult, and also limited what I could do at home on my personal computer. I enjoy doing video work in the evenings, away from people, so found working on the University Computers very distracting. If I am working on large files in the future, i will need to ensure I book out a suitable Mac at a quieter time.
I'm accepting the video as finished, but it is still quite rough. Some parts of my spoken narrative aren't very clear, and I needed to enunciate better. Proper recording equipment instead of just my headphones would have been more helpful. While this video may feel quite amateur, I'm looking forward to trying again in the future to create more polished projects.