My version.
Using a tutorial to build an audio-reactive visualisation in Blender further enhances my skills within my Contemporary Arts practice. Visualising sound is a major interest within my work.
When following Blender tutorials, I am inspired by the limitless possibilities of 3D modelling. The limits are my technical knowledge, but with time, practice and many more tutorials, I am sure to consistently develop these skills in my artwork.
Following this tutorial:
Shift + A - Create Plane
Object Editor Panel - Viewport Display - Display as 'Bounds'
Shift + A - Create Icosphere
Edit Mode - Subdivide - Number of cuts '10' - Smoothness '1'
Ensure Cell Fracture Add-On is enabled in Preferences
Object Mode
F3 - Cell Fracture - Source Limit '100' - Recursion '2' - Mass Mode 'Uniform'
Collection - Delete Outer Shell
Object - Transform - Randomize Transform - Location X '16m' - Location Y '7.6m' - Location Z '13m'
Select Objects - M - New Collection - 'Rocks'
Deselect - Object Mode - Shift + A - Add Collection Instance - 'Rocks'
Move - Ctrl + Green Arrow to Snap Next to other collection
Duplicate to create row of 5
¬ - Front - Shift + A 'Camera' - Ctrl + Green Arrow to snap to beginning of loop
'NumPad 0' - View Active Camera Perspective
Animate - Back Arrow to Start at 0 - Hit Keymarker next to Location Y In Transform Panel - Click 40 in animation timeline - Change from -9 to +9 - Hit Keymarker again
Press play to test
Click - Animation (Tool Bar)
Editor Type - Graph Editor
Tool Arrow Right Hand side of graph bar - Modifiers - Add Modifier - 'Cycles' - Keeps motion through entirety of animation
Back to Layout
Shift + A - Icosphere - Subdivisions '4'
Modifier Toolbar - 'Add Modifier' - 'Decimate' - 'Planar' - Angle Limit '16'
'Add modifier' - 'Smooth' - Repeat - '12'
'Add Modifier' - 'Displace' - 'New' - 'Texture Tab' - Type 'Distorted Noise'
'Add Modifier' - Generate - 'Wire Frame' - Thickness Down
'Z' - View - Rendered ('8') - Ensure EEVEE Rendering Engine is selected
Shading Tool Panel on Right - Toggle 'Show overlays' (Top right workspace) - 'New' - 'Surface' - 'Emission Material' - Colour 'Blue' - Strength '15'
Object Panel on right - Displace Modifier - Strength Keyframe Button (on first keyframe)
Above animation timeline - Switch to Graph Editor - 'Channel' - 'Sound to Samples' - Select Audio File (Titanium by Alisia Beats - Royalty free download)
+ (toolbar) - video editing - video editing - Add - Sound (Titanium by Alisia Beats)
Make sure marker is set to 0
Return to Layout
(Once tested this can be removed temporarily for ease of use)
Highlight Extra rock collections - 'H' to hide
Repeat hiding all items except for the fractured objects
Modifiers - 'Add Modifier' - 'Generate' - 'Wireframe' - Untick Even thickness - Lower thickness
'Z' - Rendered - Material - '+New' - Change colour to roughly mid shade darkness
'+' Next to material in right panel - Emission Materia - to similar to colour on IcoSphere - Strength '1'
Modifier - Material Offset '1'
Make sure This guy is selected first - 'A' select all objects - 'Ctrl L' - Copy Modifiers - 'Ctrl L' - Link Materials
Unhide all the other things.
'NumPad 0' - 'Ctrl Click Icosphere' - 'Ctrl Click Camera' - 'Ctrl P' - 'Object'
Now add in some more instances - Highlight Rocks - 'Shift D' - 'Ctrl' snap move down the end
Back to video editor to add in song
'End Frame' Bottom Right to extend end frame to end of song
Come back to Layout - 'Shift A' - 'Light' -'Point'
'Data (right panel)' - 'Color' Blue - Power up
'Shift A' - 'Mesh' - 'Cube' - 'S' - '8' - 'M' Move to collection - 'Rocks'
'Shading' In top toolbar panel - Rendered View - 'New' - Delete 'Principal' - Add 'Principled Volume' - Plug into 'Volume' - Lower Density
Click on one of the triangles - 'Material' - Strength UP
'Ctrl Point' - 'Ctrl Camera' - 'Ctrl P' - Object
Compositing Workspace - Tick Use Nodes - 'Shift A' - 'Viewer Node' - Attach Image Nodes
'Shift A' - Glare - Stick between image nodes
Render Options - Right Panel - Select Folder - Select File Format (Ffmpeg Video) - Encoding - Container 'MPEG-4'
'Render' - 'Render Animation'
Here are 3 more tutorials I will complete going forward: